Nate Hargus, is a devout disciple and ambassador of Jesus Christ in which he has been saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. As a young man born and raised in a small town in southwest Oklahoma, he begin to work in children’s ministry at his home church and he started growing a passion for theology and apologetics, he always knew abortion was wrong but did not know what it look like until he saw a video with victim imagery, then after seeing this atrocity, he being to start following the pro-life movement more closely and soon after he got the chance to help out in Las Vegas with, the Anti Abortion Front, which is where he met some of the Survivors, and got invited to the Survivors boot camp, So after going back home to Oklahoma, he got a call to help out in Amarillo, Texas with, Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn, where he gathered signatures. So he got back home and started to get ready for a road trip to the Survivors boot camp, but a week before he had his church family camp and in a Tuesday night altar call he felt God call him into the pro-life ministry. So he went to the Survivors boot camp and saw how they strive to put God first in everything they do and after praying he decided to join The Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust as a full-time missionary, where he strives to end abortion and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. When he’s not out in the mission field, you can find him hanging out with friends, reading and writing, studying the Bible and playing music.