Ever since he was a child, John Rowell knew that he was meant to do missionary work. But as long as he can remember, he’d been afraid of it. He was afraid of persecution, afraid of judgment, and afraid of missing out on the pleasures of life.
John grew up in the church, but abandoned the faith as he got older. He spent the better part of his teenage years pursuing nothing more than his own greed, lust, and pride. It should’ve been a wakeup call when he realized that he could no longer feel guilt. Instead, he told God that he’d repent later. Later came sooner than he expected. In early 2023 John started attending college, intent on seeking ‘adventure’ as his life’s goal. But during his first semester his eyes were opened, and he realized that he had nothing of value to offer. Not to the world, and not to himself. The vices in which he had sought freedom and pleasure had enslaved him in a chain of his own making, a chain to which there was only one key. Christ held that key. With a simple prayer he was freed from years of addiction. The Lord gave John a new heart, a new mind, and a new way of life. Amidst this period of radical change, it felt like God was telling him “It’s time.” Time to stop hiding and to start living the life he had been made for.
Shortly after being born again, John dropped out of college to pursue missionary work, but it wasn’t until attending Survivor’s pro-life bootcamp that he discovered the details of his assignment. Culminating in a spiritual experience that found him weeping on his knees outside of the supreme court, John’s heart was broken for the pro-life cause. For the babies, of course, but also for the mothers, the fathers, and all those whose eyes were blind to the greatest evil in American history. And through working with the Survivors, John realized that it wasn’t petty adventure that his heart deeply desired. It was a righteous conquest. John isn't afraid anymore because perfect love drives out fear. He has dedicated his life to pro-life missions work, so as long as the Lord wills it, John is Honored to fight on the front lines.