Hello, I’m Edgar Alvarez. I got involved in pro-life ministry 3 1/2 years ago. I was invited to pray outside of planned parenthood at 5:30 am in the morning in Pomona. When I arrived, there was already a line of cars waiting to be parked and let into the clinic. I was truly shocked about what went on for the next 3 hours. I could not believe the number of couples that showed up to end the life of their own child.
I never knew what went on outside of an abortion clinic. I quickly found out that this was a true spiritual battle for life and God’s own image bearers. It was that morning that God allowed me to witness Himself save a baby right in front of me. I could not believe what God had just done. I left knowing that I had to do something about what I had just witnessed. There was a prayer walk the following morning, so I showed up ready to pray for God to move and speak to people and change their hearts. Little did I know it was my heart he was dealing with. As I stood in front of the abortion clinic with my hands extended and in deep prayer, I pleaded with God to stop the women from going in and to somehow shut the clinic down for good.
Watching these couples walk into the clinic and throw away the gift that God had given them, was something I could not understand; especially when I desire a family of my own and have not been able to conceive yet. At that moment, God broke my heart for the unborn and asked me if I was willing to defend his babies, whether he blessed me with one of my own or not. Since that day forward, I’ve been a voice for the voiceless outside of abortion clinics.
After 2 years of sidewalk counseling, I was at a pro-life rally where God called me once again. God showed me that 3 hours a week on the sidewalk was not enough and that sidewalk ministry was the last line of defense for the unborn. He showed me we must do more to see abortion abolished. I knew about Survivors because they had just stopped the Dupont abortion clinic from opening in Beverly Hills a few months prior. I joined them on campus outreach trips and other events. I found out that God was calling me into full-time ministry being a voice for the voiceless and doing everything we possibly can to see abortion abolished in our lifetime. The unborn is the biggest mission field in our nation today. The clinics are the darkest place in our cities where we know broken people show up and babies have appointments to die …. ABORTION IS MURDER WE MUST ACT LIKE IT!